
1” Providing a safe and comfortable home environment with energy and resource efficiency “
Earth Stewardship Awareness is a concern that has come up to the forefront over the last few years. Advances in technology and materials have pushed the construction industry in this direction. However there is reluctance on the part of the construction industry, and it’s clientele, to incorporate these advances due to actual or perceived increases in the cost of construction. In reality, the additional cost of implementation is, in majority of cases, offset by the savings realized in maintenance and energy consumption over the life of the structure or it’s components.
2Durable materials make good sense. Concrete, stone surfaces, old growth wood, decorative tile finishes have a durability that is unmatched by imitations. The wise and discretionary use of our old growth wood products is the only proper way to incorporate this precious resource. When placed among other natural elements, and handled correctly, the home will stand the test of time resisting the elements and the temptation to replace. Your shelter will be shelter for generations yet to come.“durable materials compatible to climate “

3Recycling benefits all of us, Whether it is recycling construction waste or the use of recycled materials in the products that are used in the construction of your home. Fewer resources are consumed and less waste is left to go into landfills. As a custom builder my view is that I must stand ready to meet the needs and desires of my client, while at the same time satisfying the regulatory and design requirements. Working closely with your architect, I will endeavor to maximize the quality and cost effectiveness of all features incorporated into your home.
4If the footprint of your home or the view corridors surrounding
your home are wooded I can provide the equipment and expertise to process and incorporate the wood into your home.” low impact logging “

5An experienced low impact logger will fell and yard the logs to a
central location, the stumps will be removed and recycled or ground to surface grade.” log being prepared for milling “

6The logs are milled on site by a subcontractor with portable sawmill,
then transported to a local kiln for drying.” milling lumber “

7The wood is then ready for fabrication in our shop for use in your home. This way you can use what nature has provided as part of your home.

” milled lumber being prepared “